TQG series of electric nursing bed is a special nursing products designed for the severe patients of loss self-care ability (specific groups such as after operation, burns, bone injury, stroke, incontinence, hemiplegia, paraplegia, vegetable state, critically ill patients, frail elderly people etc.), widely used in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation center, apartments for the elderly and family ward.
The product have human design and unique system functions. It can make the patients recover on the a comfortable and convenient conditions, but also can relieve patients pain and nursing staff burden in the greatest degree. This product focus technology, safety, practicality, convenient in one, respective functions are: sit up, left & right electric turn around, automatic turn around, left & right warped edge, Trendelenburg, defecate door opening & closing, automatic feed water, automatic heating, automatic flushing, automatic drying (automatic control drying temperature),excess temperature prompt, excess temperature power-off sixteen major function and other auxiliary functions. The most characteristic is the built-in ±24V power supply, power cut or move to areas without electricity can normally sit up turn over. Solve a series of personal nursing and professional medical nursing problem. The product function canarbitrarily assembled to different types nursing bed according to user different function demand.

The product have human design and unique system functions. It can make the patients recover on the a comfortable and convenient conditions, but also can relieve patients pain and nursing staff burden in the greatest degree. This product focus technology, safety, practicality, convenient in one, respective functions are: sit up, left & right electric turn around, automatic turn around, left & right warped edge, Trendelenburg, defecate door opening & closing, automatic feed water, automatic heating, automatic flushing, automatic drying (automatic control drying temperature),excess temperature prompt, excess temperature power-off sixteen major function and other auxiliary functions. The most characteristic is the built-in ±24V power supply, power cut or move to areas without electricity can normally sit up turn over. Solve a series of personal nursing and professional medical nursing problem. The product function canarbitrarily assembled to different types nursing bed according to user different function demand.