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2022-09-10 01:43:01 By : Ms. Snow Hu

Please don’t come to hospital if you have symptoms of COVID-19

Please contact the ward before visiting as restrictions may apply. More information can be found on our COVID-19 webpage >

Please don’t come to hospital if you have symptoms of COVID-19

Please contact the ward before visiting as restrictions may apply. More information can be found on our COVID-19 webpage >

Is the Emergency Department (A&E) the right place for you?

The Emergency Department (ED) is for patients requiring emergency care for life-threatening conditions. Please use the service carefully so it can best support those with serious conditions. Find out more >

The maternal medicine team provides care for women with pre-existing medical disorders or pregnancy-related medical conditions. We work in a multidisciplinary team of doctors and midwives in order to provide the best standard of care for women and their babies.

At your first appointment, your midwife will collect detailed information about your medical history and will contact the maternal medicine team for further input if necessary. The team will contact you directly and will plan all the required follow-up appointments for the rest of your pregnancy.

Your GP can refer you directly to our services via this link, either for pregnancy care of for pre-counselling advice.

Once you have been referred to the maternal medicine team, your pregnancy care will be shared between doctors and midwives. The frequency of appointments will be tailored according to your condition and your individualised needs. We are aiming to offer continuity of care throughout pregnancy as we know this is particularly important for women with complex medical needs.

We work in collaboration with consultants from a wide range of specialities (neurologists, gastroenterologists, oncologists, rheumatologists, anaesthetists, obstetric physicians, obstetricians) and we conduct regular multidisciplinary meetings to discuss the safest management for women and their babies.

Our team also provides pre-conception advice for women with pre-existing medical conditions. If you were told that you would need pre-conception advice for a future pregnancy, please speak to your GP so they can refer you to our services.

Alternatively, please email us at to see if you are eligible for an appointment.

Email address:

If you have a query or if you think you need to be referred to our Maternal Medicine team, please feel free to email us with as much detail as possible.

For referrals, please download and fill in our referral form.

Maternal Fetal Assessment Unit (MFAU)

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