If you've wanted the ultimate gaming bed, then Japanese gaming furniture company Bauhutte has just the thing for you with its new BGB-100FA electric bed.
This isn't Bauhutte's first gaming bed, but an evolution -- and a big one at that -- of its first gaming bed. There are motors for your legs and back, so you can have your legs elevated or sit up and work, relax, eat, or any other enjoyable in-front-of-your-PC activity.
Bauhutte also sells the BHD-1200BD Bed Desk, which you'd totally have to buy with the BGB-100FA electric bed so that you can do literally everything at your PC. The only annoying thing you'd have to do at this point is get up and go to the bathroom... maybe we can expect some -- uhhhh, bathroom capabilities -- with the next iteration of the electric gaming bed.
If you outfitted your room with Bauhutte's gaming gear, you'd have the "Ultimate Gaming Space" which would see your room include the electric bed, a desk to mount your monitors overhead, a mini-fridge, a rack for your clothes, and if you've got a tablet -- there's even a floating arm for your tablet -- awesome.
Now, this might not make sense if you live in a big house with multiple rooms... but with the Japanese government's Housing and Land Survey, the average living space inside of an apartment in Tokyo is approximately 65.9 sqm (709 sq ft) with an average living space of 41 sqm (441 sq ft).
I personally own an electric bed and it is heaps comfortable, it is great on my back and legs... and has awesome levels of adjustment. But this electric bed does NOT look comfortable, especially if you were sitting and laying on it for 18 hours a day.
Still, it's pretty cheap... you're looking at around $670 for both the bed + mattress, while the bed desk was only $200 or so. They're only available in Japan, so it's not like it really matters... but it's still cool to see what Japanese companies are doing for their market.
Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering.