Streeting oddly silent as Labour gets into bed with Tories to run Edinburgh – SKWAWKBOX

2022-05-28 19:08:47 By : Ms. Lemon Chen

News, politics, insights, inside information from the left

Labour in Scotland – run by Starmerite placeman Anas Sarwar after Keir Starmer removed left-wing leader Richard Leonard and Scottish Labour’s general secretary to please some millionaires – has made a pact with the Tories to run Edinburgh Council and keep out the SNP.

Bizarrely, this has been met by complete silence by Shadow Health Secretary and wannabe next leader Wes Streeting – not even a couple of weeks after Streeting laid into the Greens for colluding with the Tories to run Worcester:

Despite Skwawkbox’s best efforts there appears to be no mention in Mr Streeting’s social media kf the Scottish scandal, even though it must surely be causing him great outrage.

Leading figures in possession of some moral fibre were more outspoken, such as Bakers’ union head Ian Hodson:

Think it’s difficult for @UKLabour to attack the Tories as unfit when they are doing deals with them to have power. Vote for change not the Status Quo. End all Tory rule

Starmer’s Labour, of course, is so close to the Tories politically that you would struggle to insert a cigarette paper between them – in fact, Labour is if anything now to the right of the Tories in many ways.

But surely it must be odd that Weasley is remaining tight-lipped about Labour’s collusion after lambasting the Greens for it. It’s unthinkable that he and his boss would be hypocrites, after all…

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It seems Labour learned nothing from colluding with the Tories, during the Scottish Referendum, in 2014.

Labour, and the Tories, were trashed, in Scotland, the following year, during Miliband’s GE.

Let’s hope it’s another wake-up call for the Scots, and they do the same again. Better!

It will be George Peel and it emphasises once again that there is no real difference between the Tories and Labour in Scotland or anywhere else.

There’s not much difference between them, the Greens and the SNP either.

Way off subject – Mick Lynch RMT’s GenSec is being interviewed for 25mins by Nick Robinson on BBC R4 at 17:30 today (Saturday)

New Labour’s opposition to and anger with the Tories was always largely synthetic and the outrage feigned.

Like staged US professional wrestling, the rivalry is to put on a good show. The reality is a lot more cooperation than many realise. Corbyn wasn’t prepared to deceive the electorate like that, so he had to go.

Starmer’s a unionist. He’s even upturned Labour’s neutrality on whether Northern Ireland becomes part of a united Ireland, stating that he’d campaign for Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK. And even that neutrality position which Starmer trashed, was a move away from support for a ‘United Ireland by consent’ a position the party previously held. Starmer is opposed to a United Ireland therefore it’s unsurprising he won’t allow cooperation with the pro Scottish independence Greens.

This is why progressives, who think Starmer is open-minded to coalitions and think he along with other parties will usher in proportional representation for Westminster, have their heads planted firmly up their backsides.

Starmer is a deeply reactionary establishment figure, a man determined to wave his little Union Jack and preserve the status quo at all costs including things like the outrageous, wholly unelected HoL.

Well said Andy-Starmer(and ergo the Labour Party) has proclaimed that he is a Unionist-which puts him on the side of everything that is tory,extreme right wing reactionary and wrong-his DUP friends still wont countenance the setting up of a democratically elected Assembly-that is the measure of the man. Gosh-how far down will the Labour Party go?

Latin America News – Guatemala throws USAID out of the country. They should really have done the same with all the CIA front organisations.

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