Germany7.9 beds per 1,000 residents. Austria7.2 cameras. czech republic6.6 Bed…more Spain, three. The SATSE Nursing Union has condemned the consequences of continued divestment in recent years: ranked last in Europe in terms of hospital beds per number of residents.
SATSE understands that this condition “seriously harms the attention and care” that must be provided to more than 47 million people. “Since the early 2000s, successive governments have been reducing the number of beds in operation in public hospitals to three per 1,000 residents, which puts us at the bottom of Europe.” Our country is only ahead in this classification Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, UK and Sweden (Report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Health at a Glance, 2021).
In the top positions of the ranking we find countries like Germany and Austriawhich has more than seven beds per 1,000 inhabitants, while other nations such as Hungary, Czech Republic, Lithuania or Poland They have more than six. The European average is 4.5 beds per 1,000 residents.
“This summer, for example, they decided again that the best way to save costs is to temporarily close thousands of beds across the country, in addition to suspending surgical interventions and clinical trials, “Sorry for the union.
SATSE has highlighted that the progressive reduction in the number of beds in operation in hospitals is “another consequence of the general policy of disinvestment in public health in our country that has been implemented in recent years” and has led Spain to have done To allocate only 6.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) for public health spending, Whereas other countries around us allot 8 and 9 percent.
According to the latest report published by the IDIS Foundation, “an unfortunate reality that our country’s private healthcare takes advantage of, which already has 32 percent of the beds in the National Health System (SNS). The health sector. Public health is losing beds and Private health continues to grow,” he emphasized.
The situation is contradictory. We are one of the OECD countries with the highest number of doctors per resident – 4.4 per 1,000 residents – but we are at the bottom of nursing, with 5.9 per 1,000 residents, only Greece, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia- Europeans are ahead of the average. 9.7 per 1,000 residents.
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