Emerging technologies as a catalyst to reimagining India’s healthcare delivery

2022-06-18 21:07:29 By : Ms. Sarah Gao

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Co-founder and CTO of Dozee

In more than 75 years of independence, India has built its healthcare ecosystem ground up. One of the key highlights of the ecosystem is its hard-working and highly talented doctors and healthcare professionals. We’ve seen Indian doctors and surgeons shining at the global level. However, we have our fair share of problems. Inadequate and crumbling infrastructure combined with a high patient load has resulted in unaffordable and inaccessible healthcare. In a country of over a billion people we have just over 1.25 lakh ICU beds. For over 55 million cardiac patients we have just over 5000 cardiologists. Against a recommended nurse to patient ratio of 1:4 for step down ICUs, ours range from 1:10 to 1:40!  While we expedite the development of healthcare infrastructure such as hospital beds and clinics, a consistent growth in the number of HCPs to meet the WHO standards will continue to be a challenge. The gap has been and will keep increasing, unless we change something fundamental. This is where the role of technology to bridge this gap becomes vital. 

Technology has played a vital role in India’s digital transformation journey, across sectors, over the past two decades, including manufacturing and fintech, among others. This has made it imperative for the healthcare sector to embrace technology in order to make healthcare delivery more efficient, accessible, and affordable. While, this has already been seeded on a number of fronts, including the introduction of telemedicine to provide the best care regardless of location, continuous patient monitoring to enable early warning reducing the burden on healthcare providers, smart screening and diagnostic solutions to reduce errors and lead time, genomics for preventive care, and much more.

Connected health and data analytics are changing the healthcare delivery landscape 

The prerequisite of building solutions for predictive and intelligent health is getting access to a high fidelity continuous stream of health data. There have been green shoots in this area of connected medical devices in the past few years and the share of devices getting connected is expected to increase significantly. A network of these connected devices with Artificial Intelligence solutions available over the cloud is going to revolutionize remote patient care. These solutions will not only allow a hospital to monitor more patients effectively but also drive patient outcomes through triaging and early warning systems. 

The latest capability in connected medical devices includes remote patient monitoring systems that can closely observe patients at home. This is especially useful for patients who have recently been discharged from hospitals but will require close monitoring and supervision for a few days. This facility when coupled with telehealth services will ensure greater access to affordable and quality care for patients.  

Need for greater emphasis on driving accessibility, affordability and quality of care

Access and affordability to quality healthcare in a developing country like India have long been issues due to limited healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals (HCPs) like doctors and nurses – particularly in rural areas. This is precisely where Point of Care (POC) devices have supported the early identification of communicable and non-communicable diseases. With the central and state governments taking an active interest in such early detection and monitoring devices, early diagnosis of diseases has become a reality. An example of the Government led ‘eSanjeevani OPD’, which had clocked around 3.5 Lakh consultations per day on 26th and 27th April 2022, is proof of acceptance of technology in the healthcare sector. This is one of its kind solution developed and provided to the general public to address the country’s health access and affordability challenges. On similar lines, during the pandemic, not-for-profit initiatives such as The Million ICU by Dozee witnessed the acceptance and adoption of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solutions by multiple state government institutions to help meet the shortage of ICU beds. 

The future of patient care will be ‘contactless’

As India progresses in its healthcare infrastructure and increases its capacity and capability, the load on healthcare professionals is only going to increase. The number of hospital beds for example is set to double in the next few years but the number of nurses that provide care for those beds is only growing linearly. We will struggle to maintain even our current nurse to patient ratio. There is a need to rethink our processes and identify manual tasks that can be automated in order to free up nursing time. One such area is vitals monitoring, which on the majority of beds is done manually by the nurse, 4-6 times a day as spot checks.

With the advancement in connected medical devices, multiple non-ICU beds can now be converted to step-down ICU beds. Contactless remote patient monitoring systems can keep a close watch on heart rate and movements, oxygen saturation, respiration rate, blood pressure, etc. Patients can now be centrally monitored at a single nursing station and integrated with an early warning system. This not only saves nursing time but increases the data availability from 4-6 spot checks a day to 24×7 on a minute-by-minute basis. Through continuous data collection and analysis, artificial intelligence (AI) can be deployed to provide early health insights about patients. This goes a long way in assisting doctors and nurses to further analyse and provide adequate patient care. Thus, connected care would reduce multiple nursing visits for collecting basic vital readings and allow nurses to focus their time on providing enhanced patient care instead.

Trained medical professionals will continue to remain the bulwark of the healthcare delivery system in its fight against diseases and illness, however technology will definitely help tide over some of the deficiencies in the existing healthcare system. As public and private partnerships attempt to improve patient outcomes, the future of healthcare will significantly rely on newer and incremental technological innovations. While there is visible acceptance of technology by the government and private healthcare establishments, hastening the pace can work wonders in building a healthier tomorrow for the country’s citizens.

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Views expressed above are the author's own.

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